by LifeVoice | Feb 13, 2018 | Mental health in schools
Brittni Darras was a 24 year old teacher who received a phone call on a Sunday letting her know one of her students had died by suicide. Changing her thinking around how to engage with her students, taking notice, paying their attributes attention, Brittni is LifeVoice | Dec 19, 2017 | Suicide prevention resources
If you’ve ever taken an ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) workshop with me you would have heard me refer to Kevin Briggs’ TED talk, “The bridge between suicide and life.” Briggs was a highway patrol officer in San Francisco, LifeVoice | Nov 21, 2017 | Mental health resources
Shane Koyczan is a spoken-word poet whose personal grit and grin composition part broken dreams, part redemption, part symphony, pairs hurt with hope. His poem “To This Day” went viral reaching millions, and his TED talk “To this day…For LifeVoice | Nov 7, 2017 | Mental health and diet
In Giulia Enders TED talk, “The Surprisingly Charming Science of your Gut” she explores how our gut may be affecting our mental health more than we realize. Could there even be a link with suicide and prevention? Watch now to learn more. Leave us a comment...