One of the key learnings of Mental Health First Aid is “Listening non-judgmentally”. This is the “L” of the ALGEES model we teach. Today is an amazing opportunity for all to tune in to participating radio stations in Canada and listen non-judgmentally to the stories of Indigenous peoples.
At Life Voice we are all about awareness and education because awareness is the birthplace of change. Sadly, more Canadians were unaware of the history of Indigenous peoples in this country. But, that’s changing. Today, there are curriculums available that are changing the knowledge children are growing up with. There’s even a free course by the University of Alberta from the Faculty of Native Studies that includes 12 lessons on “the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions.” For only $10 you can take an informative virtual tour of a residential school through the Woodland Cultural Centre. Or simply turn your radio dial to a participating station and listen to Indigenous voice all day long. There’s no reason to be unaware any longer.
Feeling overwhelmed right now? Click here for resources. It’s also okay to take a break, or to listen and learn, and then take some time to ask “Now what?”