Suicide Prevention Training For those living and working with youths 12+
Together, we can help prevent suicide
Youths can, and do, think about suicide.
Unfortunately, most youth will talk to a peer instead of an adult about these life-threatening thoughts.
However, there is a lot we can do to reach out to young people and start conversations around suicide, safety planning, and to encourage them to have these conversations with a trusted adult to prevent suicide and build a safety plan.

About Spears + Shields Suicide Prevention Training
Spears + Shields is an evidence-informed training centered around suicide prevention and safety planning.
This training is designed for those working with and caring for youth ages 12 and older. A modified version is available to be taught in Grade 6-12 classrooms so students can also learn directly how to help themselves.
The ‘SPEARS’ in the program name represent elements that are destructive to the wellbeing of young people, such as eroded family bonds, cyber bullying, peer pressure, and so on.
‘SHIELDS’ represent elements that provide protection between youths and the spears that are threatening their wellbeing. Shields include quality time with a caring adult, learning a new ability, spending time with friends, and learning about resources.
Spears + Shields Training Topics
- What to say and do if a youth, or their friend, may be thinking about suicide
- What adults can do to support young people that peers can’t provide
- The intersection of bullying, self-injury, and suicide risk
- Why adults need to reach out to youths proactively
- Exploring spears and shields, and how to use them to enhance safety
- The ABCs of self-care and safety planning
Why Choose Spears + Shields?
One of the most dangerous risk factors for youths is to be left alone with thoughts of suicide.
The sooner young people find safe spaces to share their thoughts of suicide and learn about safety planning, the sooner they’ll gain the tools to keep themselves safe.
Early intervention is key! By attending this training participants will learn about risk factors (spears), protective factors (shields) and what to say or do if a young person tells you they, or a friend, are having thoughts of suicide.
How Is Spears + Shields Delivered?
Post workshop survey results showed a 53.3% increase in levels of confidence to consult on suicide prevention strategies and support regarding children and youth.
100% of the Mental Health Professionals who took this training strongly agreed this workshop added value to the work they do.
Before the workshop 60% either somewhat agreed or strongly disagreed that they felt confident about consulting on suicide prevention and support.
After the workshop, 80% said their confidence level about consulting on suicide prevention and support increased significantly!