Resilience is often misunderstood as merely bouncing back from adversity. However, it’s more complex, involving our environment, social structures, and systemic issues. Fostering resilience requires personal grace, seeking support, reframing challenges, and societal efforts toward equity and compassion. It’s not just an individual’s capacity but a collective endeavor integral to building a stronger community.
THE GREAT RELEASE: Why stress tolerance shrunk post-pandemic
Welcome to The Great Release. Not great as in good. Great as in massive. If you’re wondering why people are so stressed post-pandemic, this article may help explain why.
Plan to Protect your kids as they go to camp!
You’ve got your kid’s camp checklist all ready. But, what’s missing? What do you need to know before they go? How can you help increase their safety when they’re away from home? What is a Plan to Protect policy, and why do we encourage surprises not secrets?
Join us Feb 9th: Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, Vicarious Trauma
Burnout is rampant these days. Who am I kidding. Many have been burnt out for ages. But it doesn’t seem like it’s getting any easier, does it? When we say burnout can be solved, what does that mean?
Carrying youth through tough times
Youth are dealing with a lot. Hormonal changes. Body changes. Mental changes. Reduced emotional capacity. Coming in to their own while still needing a ton of support. Not to mention the political climate they may be living in, the discrimination they may be...
$25 to Big Brothers Big Sisters with every workshop purchase!
If you know Big Brothers and Big Sisters you'll know they do amazing work in our communities. They have camps (the cost of which was covered by donors this past year,) one-on-one mentorship programs, and peer group activities, giving kids lots of opportunity for human...
July 1st: A day of mourning
How will you be spending July 1st this year? Some may continue to celebrate Canada Day as they always have. This includes some Indigenous peoples, and many settlers. But many this year will be mourning. Mourning the ancestors, children, peoples who never returned from...
Tuning in: Over 500 radio stations amplify Indigenous voices
One of the key learnings of Mental Health First Aid is "Listening non-judgmentally". This is the "L" of the ALGEES model we teach. Today is an amazing opportunity for all to tune in to participating radio stations in Canada and listen non-judgmentally to the stories...
July 7th: Mental Health First Aid STANDARD VIRTUAL
There's still time to purchase your ticket! Only a few spots remaining.... To date we have sold out of every single Mental Health First Aid Standard Virtual workshop we've run. Leading up to our next workshop on July 7th we only have a handful of spaces left, but...
Only 4 spots left for upcoming Mental Health First Aid SUPPORTING YOUTH workshop
We're excited to launch our first virtual Mental Health First Aid Supporting Youth workshop on July 15 & 16. Tickets are going fast! In fact, there are only 4 spots left for this virtual learning opportunity. If you are an adult supporting youth between the ages...
We are on Treaty 3 lands, Thadinadonnih (Guelph)
June 21st is National Indigenous People's Day! Today, and every day, we acknowledge that the land our workshops are hosted from is traditionally known as Thadinadonnih. We are on the traditional lands of the Attawandaron, Anishinaabek, and Haudenosaunee peoples, and...
May 18 & 19: Mental Health First Aid Virtual
Languishing. This word has quickly become mainstream thanks to a New York Times article titled "There's a name for the blah your feeling: it's called Languishing" Our mental wellbeing fluctuates. That's normal. We shouldn't look at our mental health any different than...