A Christmas classic

Dec 25, 2017 | Suicide prevention resources

Christmas can be a hard day for many. It’s full of hope and joy for some, and despair and sorrow for others. We also recognize this can be a day where people feel there is a certain way they need to show up. When what we really need is the permission to enter spaces as we are. Whether that’s possible in your reality this Christmas or not we hope this movie pick will encourage you, meet you where you’re at, and bring you hope.

Our movie recommendation this Christmas is “It’s a Wonderful Life.” We value this movie for it’s perfect depiction of an imperfect George Bailey. George experiences a number of cross roads in this life journey where he must make pivotal decisions. One of those moments is when he is contemplating suicide, and the two serious questions of 1) would the world be better off without him?, and 2) would it be better if he had never been born?

Life is not easy for the Baileys. Clarence, a special character who meets George at a crucial moment in his life, shows George the impact of his life if he had never been born.

Long before I, Shawna, began my passion in suicide prevention, this movie had a hold on my heart. It has been a Christmas classic for me since I was a teenager, and this year I got to introduce it to my next generation.

We hope it will bring meaning for each one of you this Christmas, especially those who are struggling with the same questions George was.

Here’s wishing you a hope-filled holiday season.


Shawna, and the team at Life Voice