It’s 2020! Are you seeing clearly? Is your path into the future laiden with wellness spotlights? Or, have old habits followed you into the New Year? Let’s be realistic. Inevitably some will. And, until you feel the positive change new efforts can make, why change at all?
That’s why during the Compassion Fatigue workshop we not only talk about strategies for reclaiming compassion satisfaction: we practice them. In addition to the maryid of self-assessments you’ll be guided through, there are activities around boundary setting, self-care, and mindfulness grounding techniques.

Whether you’re a caregiver to others, or know of someone who is, this workshop is for you. You might gift it to someone who gives plenty to others knowing they need a little nudge to refocus on given back to themselves. Or, perhaps YOU are that someone!

Spend the day reclaiming your path to wellness. We know this is easier said than done. We also firmly believe that when we give from abundance THAT’S sustainable. But, giving while bankrupt, or when you’re gas tank is empty, or it feels like there’s nothing left for you, is a one way ticket to resentment, health issues, and even thoughts of suicide.
We welcome you to kick off the “roaring 20’s” with a workshop that’s all about YOU! Here’s your chance to refuel. REGISTER TODAY!

Do it for YOU. Do it for OTHERS. Do it because it’s our #1 best selling workshops and FOMO is begging you to come. See for yourself why THIS is our most requested workshop.
9:30AM – 4:30PM