Burnout is rampant these days. Who am I kidding. Many have been burnt out for ages. But it doesn’t seem like it’s getting any easier, does it? When we say burnout can be solved, what does that mean? What options are we left with when it seems we’ve exhausted all avenues and the needs are still so high?

It might not be realistic to take a vacation right now. Perhaps because there’s still work to be done, food to put on the table, and short staffing in many industries. So how do we get a break?
Although it may not be an option to take an extended leave right now, it’s still important to give our system a chance to breathe. To breathe from work, from stress, from the demands of others.
We can take a break by listening to a song between meetings. Find a podcast you love on your commute to work. Take a break from social media. What? Yes. I said it. If you find you’re feeling worse after scrolling, it may be time to find an alternative distraction away from heated opinions, news feeds, and news in general.

If you’re living with family who rely on you and feel there’s no time for yourself, we’ll talk about that too.
I use to say that we were labeling everything as burnout when actually it could be layers of compassion fatigue, trauma, or moral distress. And although that may still be true for some, many are actually burnt out at this point.
So let’s talk about that. Let’s get creative with what our options are even though limitations abound. Let’s connect and revive, and hold space to say “I’m struggling, and I matter, and I’m worthy of support.”
If that’s you, then join us on February 9th for our next Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Vicarious Trauma virtual workshop, where we’ll also be emphasizing the impact of burnout, and many creative methods of recovery.

To register click here. If cost is a barrier message us. Financial assistance is available.
February 9th, 9:00am – 12:30pm
Virtual workshop over Zoom. Zoom link will be sent 48 hours in advance
For anyone who is feeling burnout, dips in their levels of empathy, at their wits end…
$149 + tax. Financial assistance is available if costs are a barrier. Message us for more info.
If you’re an organization who needs invoicing for a group of participants please let us know.