Still time to register for safeTALK

Nov 22, 2018 | safeTALK suicide alertness workshop


NOVEMBER 27, 9:30AM – 1:00PM – GUELPH

Our next safeTALK workshop will be running in Guelph on November 27th. Seats are filling up fast, but there’s still time (and a little space) to register.

safeTALK teaches participants how to identify when someone may be struggling with thoughts of suicide, how to ask about suicide, listen, and connect a person having thoughts of suicide with someone who can help keep them safe, like an ASIST-trained caregiver.

Only 3.5 hours of your time and the low cost of  only $45 + HST ($40 for students) can help save a life. If cost is an issue we’re always open to exploring options to make workshops accessible. Get in touch with us and we’ll find ways to welcome you in. Funds should never be a barrier to learning how to help save a life from suicide.

To learn more about the certified and evidence-based safeTALK workshop, click here.

To register today, click here.

safeTALK register