Going a flowt on #SelfcareSaturday

Dec 9, 2017 | Selfcare practices and resiliency

I had the privilege of experiencing my first 90 minute float at Flowt K-W. At first I thought, mind racing, ‘I don’t think I can stand to spend 90 minutes inside my own head!‘ And at first I kind of hoped it wouldn’t feel like an eternity in the tank. Perhaps I’d fall asleep? Maybe it would be over soon? But then, at some point, I think not too far in (it’s hard to have a sense of time in the tank,) I entered a state between sleep and awake. I found there was space in my head. Even beauty. My cluttered thoughts moved into the abyss, and the worthwhile ones came to the forefront. The feeling I experienced most was that of safety. I felt safe in the tank. I felt safe floating in the water on 900 pounds of epsom salts. And I felt safe in my own head. For most of the float my eyes were shut. However, at one point I opened them and had a surreal sensation like I was floating in space under a canopy of stars. Of course there were no stars in the tank, but visions are not unheard of.

The water is heated to our body temperature, so there’s no difference between being above or below it, or within ones’ body or feeling outside of it.

There is no external sound. The loudest noise in the tank was the sound of my own breath. Which made it easy to focus on.

As you can read in the testimonials below some unique, peaceful, and epiphanic experiences have happened in the float tank. Idea breakthroughs, safety for those living with PTSD, concussion recovery, and even grief healing. You can read about more benefits by clicking here.

In a busy world with few spaces for true solitude floating is a gift to humanities’ sanity.

When 90 minutes had finished a sweet chime followed by soft music signaled my session was nearing its’ end. I exited the tank and washed the salt water from my body under a rain shower spout. I then put on the provided bath robe and headed to the vanity room. Organic and natural lotions and hair products were all part of the package and free for me to use.


I took my time getting changed and wandered over to the sun room where I made an organic chocolate orange herbal tea, sat in a comfortable armchair, and leafed through the magazines.



Plants lined the window showing off their growth. And I felt I had grown too. Emotionally, I had more capacity. And physically, I was told I would likely leave taller than I came in. Floating limbers the muscles, which is great news for athletes; especially runners whose backs have been compressed.

I highly recommend experiencing a float if you haven’t already. For more information please click here to visit the Flowt K-W website. The benefits are varied, and the environment inviting.