Looking to become certified in ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)? Look no further. Our next workshop is happening THIS week in GUELPH!
One of the major setbacks we’ve found with those hesitating to talk to others about suicide is worrying about the “right thing to say”. We’re going to bust this myth right now. Because frankly, there is no “right” thing to say. The best thing you say is something…anything. Put suicide on the table (so-to-speak.) Get it out in the open. The more comfortable you are talking about suicide the more it lets those who are struggling with thoughts of suicide know they really can find people who care to talk with them about their thoughts.
Remember, most people don’t want to die. Most people with thoughts of suicide are looking for someone to talk to about not wanting to live right now.
This Tuesday and Wednesday (July 9 & 10) you have the opportunity to become ASIST certified. Learn the evidence-based, certified skills that are being taught around the world. Learn the skills that have helped countless lives stay safe from suicide, and instead have found a path to relief through openly being able to talk about not wanting to live right now.
If you’re interested in becoming ASIST certified click here to register for this week’s course in Guelph.
Already ASIST trained? Click here to register for our fall ASIST Tune-Up. Even those who have done hundreds, even daily suicide interventions have benefited from the ASIST Tune-Up workshop.
Together we can, we WILL, build suicide-safer communities.