You’ve got your kid’s camp checklist all ready. But, what’s missing? What do you need to know before they go? How can you help increase their safety when they’re away from home? What is a Plan to Protect policy, and why do we encourage surprises not secrets?
Mental health resources
We are on Treaty 3 lands, Thadinadonnih (Guelph)
June 21st is National Indigenous People's Day! Today, and every day, we acknowledge that the land our workshops are hosted from is traditionally known as Thadinadonnih. We are on the traditional lands of the Attawandaron, Anishinaabek, and Haudenosaunee peoples, and...
May 18 & 19: Mental Health First Aid Virtual
Languishing. This word has quickly become mainstream thanks to a New York Times article titled "There's a name for the blah your feeling: it's called Languishing" Our mental wellbeing fluctuates. That's normal. We shouldn't look at our mental health any different than...
Let’s get socially connected!
Are you inundated with messages that you must "socially distance"? Has this left you feeling disconnected? Isolated? Alone? Unfortunately, we have mislabeled one of our health and safety goals during the COVID19 pandemic. We don't actually want people to socially...
Kids buying drugs on Snapchat and Instagram
Ignorance is not bliss for parents who have been impacted by the infiltration of drugs and other damaging content that has entered the home unsuspected. Be informed. And join a workshop to learn how to open communication with your kids about substance use.
If you interact with kids between the ages of 5-14 The ‘ASK’ Workshop was designed to teach you how to notice risk factors, how to balance them with protective factors, and how to work with other adults in the child’s life to advocate for what they need.
Compassion Fatigue workshop: SEPTEMBER 20TH
Self-care is personal. What worked at one time may not be what will work today. Or, your go-to self-care practice may look different from someone else's. And, that's okay. That's why it's important to have a personal (metaphorical) self-care tool box that works for...
A workshop to keep kids safe for the school year
School has started, and grade 9 these days sure doesn't look like grade 9 did for me back in 19-something-or-other. Have we come a long way? In some ways we have. In other ways, our kids are over-exposed to traumatic content and navigating obstacles that weren't...
ASIST this week in GUELPH!
Looking to become certified in ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)? Look no further. Our next workshop is happening THIS week in GUELPH! One of the major setbacks we've found with those hesitating to talk to others about suicide is worrying about the...
Matthew Barber: Live music at Life Voice!
In Biblical times was a man named King Saul. It is documented that Saul was a mentally tormented man. Few things brought him relief. When he was in mental anguish music was the only thing that could placate his pained mind. Music Therapy dates back to ancient times....
Death-aversary: The anniversary of when someone died. Today is the death-aversary of my first husband, Neil. We no longer have anniversaries. Now we have this. It's been 8 years since Neil ended his life. 8 years of missed birthdays and school plays and trips. 8 years...
2 days to Mental Health First Aid WEEKEND WORKSHOP!
We're only 2 days away from the upcoming Mental Health First Aid weekend workshop in Guelph. Are you busy during the week? Learn these evidence-based certified skills without having to miss week-day work. Mental Health First Aid is made up of a number of elements,...