Languishing. This word has quickly become mainstream thanks to a New York Times article titled “There’s a name for the blah your feeling: it’s called Languishing“
Our mental wellbeing fluctuates. That’s normal. We shouldn’t look at our mental health any different than we do our physical health. Would we expect anything less in that area of our lives? Of course not. So when we talk about Mental Health First Aid, like Physical First Aid, it’s to learn how to do everything from those Band-Aid fixes, to what do we do in more serious situations, like an emergency?
Mental Health First Aid is about learning to support others, yes. But it’s also about learning to better recognize when we’re experiencing a decline in our own mental wellbeing…when we’re languishing. What do we do then?

Throughout this course participants will be guided through the steps we take to support one another, how to steer ourselves back to the path of recovery, and how things change in emergency situations. And if you’re looking for resources, then this is the course for you. A huge advocate of resources our certified facilitator will ensure you are not left empty handed!
To date we have sold out of every course, and our next dates are May 18 & 19 from 12:00pm – 3:00pm EST (Toronto time) on both days.
Click here to purchase your ticket. If funds are a barrier contact us so we can explore what financial assistance could look like. Don’t be left languishing. There is still much we can do. Let’s get learning!