Let’s get socially connected!

Nov 27, 2020 | Mental health resources

Are you inundated with messages that you must “socially distance”? Has this left you feeling disconnected? Isolated? Alone?

Unfortunately, we have mislabeled one of our health and safety goals during the COVID19 pandemic. We don’t actually want people to socially distance. What we do want is phsyical distance, while staying socially connected.

When we use the right language for what we’re trying to say it changes the goal. If we don’t need to socially distance, but we do need to physically distance, the question can now become, ‘How do we stay socially connected while physically staying apart?‘ Thankfully, there are LOTS of options! And, if you’re all out of ideas we’ve got a bunch to share with you.


You can start a WhatsApp group with friends and family from across the world, for FREE! I have a group on my device for family. And another for the neighbours down my street. It’s a great way to stay connected, share, check-in, and more. You can share photos, videos, send motivational quotes! All for free when connected to wifi. Below are some content sites. If you feel stuck as to what to send, or how to make conversation, try one of the ideas below:

  • 46 motivational quotes: Send a daily or weekly motivational quotes to your group. Encourage others to do the same.
  • Quote of the day
  • Joke of the day
  • Try a scavenger hunt with a new item to look for and post about daily (examples: sunset, cute puppy, red wagon, plants, ugly holiday sweaters, etc.)
  • A2Zhealingtoolbox – Try one thing from each letter of the alphabet – share photos or videos
  • Physical challenge to help motivate your group to get out and exercise by posting their daily walk/run (example: Walk or run 1km a day for 30 days).


  • Start a virtual club. Choose something you already love, or are curious about getting involved in. Such as cooking, sharing recipes, books, sports, the “Introverts club”, the “Extroverts club”
  • Do a talent show and invite others in your group to share a unique talent they have too –  Create a monologue, family fun show, or show off some other talent such as juggling, your latest origami creation, painting with your toes, or whatever other hidden talent you’re ready to share with the world!
  • Dress up party – glam, halloween costume, ugly holiday sweater party, great gatsby, PJ party, fun hairstyle party
  • Play the “Yes, and” game. Someone starts a story. After one sentence the next person starts by saying, “Yes, and…” to continue the story. Go for 20 rounds and see where the story ends up. Have fun. Stay creative 🙂
  • Larger challenges/quizzes across company held on Zoom (allows for more participants)
  • Group Karaoke on Zoom! You will need a free Zoom account, free Watch2Gether account. And a bunch of fun Karaoke songs which you can find on YouTube.
  • Group pass along videos (handing a object through to your teammate virtually)
  • Pictionary (use whiteboard in Teams) or Charades
  • Play the Never Have I Ever game, and guess who games where everyone provides and answer to a question like what is the weirdest food you have eaten, and everyone tries to match the person to the answer
  • Friday night happy hour
  • Weekly games night played online
  • Coffee breaks – Set up a time for a 15 minute coffee catch up with a co-worker
  • Scheduling meetings with other departments
  • Encourage the use of cameras during meetings
  • Pick something in your environment, show it to the group, and tell a story about it
  • Play Two Truths and a Lie 
  • Start your check-in asking each participant for their “High, Low, and Buffalo”. This means respondents should share the highlight of their week, a low point, and something random. Their “Buffalo”, for example, could be something random that happened, that they saw, a fun fact that they learned, etc.
  • Host a cooking competitions


You can also do more, if not all of the above in Microsoft Teams as well.


  • Have a Kahoot-good time with quizzes on Kahoot.com Kahoot is a FREE website that can host quite a few people. Play remotely on your phone.  There are many quizzes to choose from, or you can create your own kahoot quiz!
  • Online games such as: Battleship, Monopoly, Clue, Life, Scrabble, and more


Are you in charge or a team at work? Wondering how to keep your team connected? Try starting your next meeting with one of the following ideas:

  • 76 icebreaker ideas: Use these icebreaker ideas at the start of meetings, or to start a conversation during check-ins
  • Invite your team to join video meetings 15 minutes early for those who would like to catch up with colleagues and socialize before the meeting begins
  • Create a “water cooler” group via Microsoft Teams, or a Zoom breakout room, to join any time during the day for socializing
  • Use Table Topics to start conversations
  • Invite team to a Friday night “Happy Hour”. Bring your beverage of choice (mocktail, cocktail, whatever you like…) and catch up on one anothers’ personal lives.
  • Schedule a coffee break with a colleague
  • Encourage the use of cameras during meetings to strengthen connections

Are there other things you’ve already tried? We’d love to hear what’s worked for you. Please share your ideas in the comments section below.

We wish you well-being as your pursue social connectedness this holiday season, and beyond.

To life!
