If you know Big Brothers and Big Sisters you'll know they do amazing work in our communities. They have camps (the cost of which was covered by donors this past year,) one-on-one mentorship programs, and peer group activities, giving kids lots of opportunity for human...
You can VOTE and join ASIST!
We support people's right to vote. In fact, we'll be voting because we think it's important. We also know one of our ASIST workshops is scheduled for voting day, October 21st. But, you have options! VOTE EARLY OR VOTE LATE! Here are some options. You can either vote...
Masks of grief
The following post was written and printed with permission from the Hummingbird Centre for Hope in Kitchener. "Put on a brave face" It's an expression we have all heard. It means don't show others what you are really feeling. Pretend that everything is OK. Have you...
It’s all about YOU!
WHY COMPASSION FATIGUE? The Compassion Fatigue workshop is all about YOU! It's about rediscovering the things that are life-giving to you. It's about remember that there's more to us than the care we provide to others. And, in fact if we only live for others, or pour...
Matthew Barber: Live music at Life Voice!
In Biblical times was a man named King Saul. It is documented that Saul was a mentally tormented man. Few things brought him relief. When he was in mental anguish music was the only thing that could placate his pained mind. Music Therapy dates back to ancient times....